Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Oh, also! more spamm!

Don't you guys just love me! <3 ahahaha. Yeah Mica has really made me produce a lot of work during my freshman year, more than Lag ever did in my opinion. I'm still a slow worker but I feel I've gotten better. A lot of things are either done or in progress...so much hw and I'm taking the time to post art...-_-'

Young Justice!

You guys gotta check out the Young Justice series that's recently come out! It's amazing so far, it's like Teen Titans but betterrrrr!!

And to celebrate a picture of Kon in his old bad ass biker suit!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Batch Upload!

Err...even though possum told me not to, I'm gonna do a batch upload...maybe in parts there is a lot of work I've created here at MICA so far.

Potential Cover

Totally using this as an image hosting thing....


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hit the Dirt

It seems like school these days revolves around ice cream, tie dye shirts, hiking and crafts. It's the place I've always wanted to be in... rows and rows of taxidermic birds and 19th century zoology books. I have no idea how it turned out this way but I like it. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to draw, better yet, i'm in a place that inspires me more than my high school art classes have ever done. I could use a little dose of Brooklyn every now and again though (yes, this is about food again) but in all seriousness I miss the atmosphere there.

- Panda


In due time of course. For now, something to tide you over.
But also, long overdue: Space-Time Continuum x4

(Hoping this encourages others to post >.>)