Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Apocalypse, Stupidity and a Bunny.

It has been two days since the WA* was issued. All of our escape routes from the city have been cut. Roads are barricaded, public transportation has become a thing of the past. All we can do is walk, and even that is proving difficult. The brave of heart are out there now, stocking up on provisions. I myself just made it back from an epic hunt for a box cutter and a lighter. Now I can defend my cats from any looters.

Times have been hard. My sister and I have been exploring the baron wasteland. We found naught but deserted streets and abandoned cars. There was one sign of life though. Whilst flailing in the snow, trapped with no way out, we stumbled upon a variety signs. Signs that life still exists outside our own. We found tribal sculptures. Mostly geometric forms, round, with various pebbles and twigs for buttons, eyes, and appendages. Some seemed obviously to be grave markers for the scarves and hats of the fallen where strewn over the sculptures ceremoniously.
We decided to leave our own mark as well. A rabbit: white, cold, with beady red eyes and a red nose, all made of cranberries. A sign, for others like us, to send the message: we are still out here, we are still fighting, there are others. Hope.


*WA - Weather Advisory

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