Saturday, January 30, 2010

Alas I'm back!~ Sarah-Raccoon that is

Just a quick update from me, Sarah-Raccoon. Busy with college applications and's so much work, and confusion, and just ugh. But I hope I get into SMFA (look it up lol). Busy with life so I had to depart from the blog for w.e. reasons....@_@ but I'm back. And...with a picture~ this was my last minute portfolio piece, which turned out pretty good. :D

One is a woman, and one is er...a woman? According to my friend it's not a woman lmfao. It's an it I guess. lmfao xD
Hahaha and another obnoxious watermark...>>;;'

Also I gotta say, I love panda's recent post. I love crazy perspectives.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Who was it.... someone kept saying the text behind the guy looked like ears. Ready, Steady, Go for the song by L'arc en Ciel? No, I just like track racing poses not pretty boy gothy japanese one hit wonder bands. I'm sorry Giraffe o_o
I'm spending four days on Biology questions, when I realized I could hardly get through a question on fly sex I knew right then and there studying would need to increase ten fold. Woeeeee.... Woeeeee.... Waaaiiiillll
So here's a butt anyhow.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

[Some Witty Title Goes Here]

FINALLY!!! After half a year, my sculpture is in the showcase.... BEHOLD: "организм и дружок" (read as: organeezm ee drudjhok, meaning: bodily systems and his little friend)

So.... now it can collect a thick layer of dust behind the dirty glass with the broken bottom lock.. Who know what could happen to it there. It might need to defend its post from the invasions of The Evil Flog Creeps or the Scary Georgia O'keefe "Flower"-looking Sculptures next door... well, needless to say, it'll have many adventures and jump many hurdles to survive its stay behind the looking glass (minus looking)...

The mind numbing forces of the imagination have been poking at my measly brain matter and have suggested that I explore the ideas of this piece in some sort of series in different mediums.. perhaps a marble sculpture... perhaps not...

Maybe something nice of it... We'll see...



It was supposed to be a portrait bust, but I get ill from hearing those sort of assignments. I screwed up on the face, I didn't take into account how the facial features would look in different light sources. Sometimes a highlight makes the nose look like Gonzo the Muppet's... beh. I had fun with the lion/dragon face on the back though! It was painted later on, sorta horribly decent (has a bit of gruesome rotting meat quality to the texture, blame RE4). Anywho... here it is

Oh right, the whole thing collapsed before it was fired, but once again Papa Jung came to the rescue and fixed it up. As usual.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Throwing some stuff from DA over to here. I need to find a way to make illustrations presentable in the gallery. I might try to make my own picture frames out of plexiglass and twigs/leaves, but god knows how that'll turn out *bugs swarm out of the folliage while hot gluing*

ohhh! TEKKONKINKREET: BLACK AND WHITE, hands down the most interesting comic I've read in some time. I kept delaying to buy a copy of it, it's a crime against humanity... I know. Opened up the first chapter and felt dizzy from all the contorted perspective and wobbly lined characters but once you sort of begin to delve into it... well it's like nothing you'll ever see
There's this great panel toward the beginning where Black is skidding down a street you get a  real sense of movement right on the page (I suppose it'd be copyright infringement but...)

Yeah, I'm reeeally into it now. I feel like putting up a cat montage... yea... let's do that then: Cats in Blankets

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Onion

If you've never heard of The Onion, it's a wonderfully satirically funny fake-ish newspaper. It also does funny-fake-news youtube videos, so I shall proceed to post some that amuse me.

"Boy Finds Own Real-Life E.T."

That one has a new spin on ET with some Spanish involved.

"Finding Masculine Halloween Costumes For Your Effeminate Son"

The comment about vampires made me laugh.

That's about it. I shall scurry away now.

Edit: Sorry, hyperlink won't work for some reason?
Edit2: Okay, figured out how to embed it! /slow/

Fishman Teapot

Finished the cute little teapot project for the morning Sculpture class. I finally had the freedom to pretty much work on whatever concept I wanted (although the occasional Papa Jung comment sometimes makes you feel like a failure :P). Here it is (courtesy of Amy for taking the awesome photos!)
It's a fish man, sitting on a rock with coral and sea anemone:

Yeah, well you know. I've come to the conclusion that a freshly opened bag of terracotta is perhaps the greatest thing in existance at this point. It was so easy to work with, and had a great smell! I'm still sort of bitter over the fact that our class is the only class that uses reconstituted leftover crappy crap crap clay, so it was nice to steal some new clay from the other room. El Creepy Greco actually helped slice the tea pot in half when I needed to scoop out its insides (I totally forgot the function of a teapot, it needs a cavity doesn't it...) and all alterations to it went smoothly. I'm just genuinely happy that I've made something out of clay that doesn't completely suck.

Unfortunately I don't think the teapot will be functional, the spout is too short and when you fill it with water and pour it looks like a fish voraciously spewing out stomach acid. The makeshift cork also doesn't stopper too well. This is better off being a fountain sculpture mounted to a wall or something... maybe in a monastary. How fitting.

maybe I'll fire it with some textured matte glaze or something... and ruin it

- Panda

Monday, January 11, 2010

Cat with the Pearl Earring

Saw the freakiest cat notebook of Girl with the Pearl Earring that could've ever spawned from the P.I.S. (profound inner spirit) of Japan. Cats that were once just cute fuzzy animals are being morphed into freaky looking, overly accessorized tools of mass destruction (I almost... allllmost bought a sticker pack of sparkly kittens with teacups and flowers). Japan does these things to you, make it stop! I completely forgot the name of the thing.... must go on quest....

(minutes later)

I just spent 15 minutes searching for the dumb stationary of the semi-realistic cats in princess costumes... and it turns out to be... from KOREA??? wow, I take everything back... those Koreans are catching up in the weird factor for cute stationary so awesome!

I feel like such a creepy person, but I kinda like the notebooks, too bad they break the bank (40 bucks at Kinokuniya!!) I did a conversion of the original korean price for the book (won to usd) and it turns out that they really sell it for approximately 7 dollars, kinokuniya really is such a ripoff, it's almost unfathomable.

Yeah and refering to the picture...Okay now, obviously one of them is the legit book I'd like, but I dunno who'd buy that other one... uneasy feelings comence!

Now that I've gotten over this exciting moment of my life, here's a look at my Asian Literature class notebook with freaky sokoloff... speaking of freaky 'loff, here's a picture of him staring at a banana plastered to a yellow sheet on the chalk board.

and now, the notebook:

I didn't draw the comic, but I replaced the storyline of Osamu Tezuka's Adolf with the Kafka story of the Odradek and added small sketches on top of it.

- Panda

Sunday, January 10, 2010

New Player: Giraffe!!

Um, yeah, hi, sup.  I'm sleepy and should really be finishing up some calculus corrections pfffft.  maybe I should introduce myself?  I'm Giraffe.  I'm so tall if you push me I won't survive the fall.

Uploading primarily some old stuff and stuff from my sketchbook Panda has seen (curse you, Panda!).

Yeah, this is still a work in can tell I like it 'cause I put copyright thinger on it uwawawa.

yeah, this one is old but I still like it mmm.

From my sketchbook (haaa you can sorta see the one on the next page).  I was bored in class (I forget which one exactly...maybe social studies) and that was a result.

And this was done in health class. There's this ominous hole in the ceiling, and we believe there to be a monster in there, and one day that monster shall swoop down and kidnap Obaaaaa (shown at the bottom).

Okay, so, have fun with that. Yay.  I'll upload some better stuff when I have more free time ( AKA when I finish entering some contests for moneys).


The Unholy Act

Oh the beauty of The Procrastinator.

Whoever said it was a sin is wrong on too many levels.  The art of procrastination is not in the act itself but in the glorious result.  Most would argue that the act itself is a hideous element to daily life and should be eliminated at any cost.  Those procrastination junkies sadly do not understand the eternal wonder that the act presents.

Ugh.....I really should get back to what I have to be doing now...



I wanted to doodle dump before I forget! Ha so there!

Completely addicted to Resident Evil 4, it's like being born again! Why haven't I played this sooner? Running joke with whiney Ashley's "ballistics" and the fact that she has some diseased alien in her or something. Yeah, and Leon gets all the ladies, thank god he has Ashely. >_>

Next doodle is from health class, shaman boy with a flashlight broom or what the heck is that anyway, whatever.

Next, a different take on David and Goliath, (yours truely) Art history class.

Uhhh, oh that crane reference we need to abstract in plaster... and my crappy design at the top.

Next is some sitting tofu man, I don't really know... and finally!!!!

Misquet! Masking fluid, it really makes life so much easier, trying to experiment with it.... yes I try, I do!


Lament of the Sculptor


Time to break into the MONTEROUS BLOOOOOOOGGG......
The stupid scultpure is turning into more trouble than its worth.. as every other piece I've ever attempted, it never looks half as awesome as the original drawing... Maybe this one will turn around and become something decent in a different way... If nothing else, at least I'll be buff enough to challenge any huge scary dude in a tight sleeves-ripped-off lumberjack shirt in a bar to an arm wrestling match with all the sawing I've been doing... Although the woodshop-lung doesn't seem worth it. Oh well, as some sexy naked lesbian with an eyepatch once said (in Y The Last Man): "A pink lung is a wasted lung."

So here's the super cool drawing.... may it rest in peace as I butcher the wooden version

aww man....if only it can be cannonized in marble.... lucky romans....

-Margar-Possum (aka le poo)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Argh! i hate apples or the pesticides they spray on them...

-Not Panda, but Racoon this time. (No, this is not multiple personality disorder xD)

Argh! so yeah this apple even though peeled is irritating my throat and it's really annoying. *claws out throat* I'll be uploading my picture in a bit, I just realized I need to edit it a bit more.

Ok, here it is: tried not to post my name too obnoxiously on it.

- Racoon

I tripped.

Urge to watch James and the Giant Peach
Aunt Sponge: We sent you out here to kill a spider!
Aunt Spiker: Not to laze about!
James: I wasn't lazing about, I tripped.
Aunt Sponge: How dare you disagree with us!
Started to work on woodblock prints and it's coming out fine. I'm using this sketch:
To some avail I really hope small pieces don't keep chipping off, or the print will look more like a stag beetle than anything else (my dad thought it was).

I finished a terra cotta teapot in sculpture class, it's all fired up and sturdy and I'm excited to see if the whole thing collapses before I even get it home to try it out. Somehow I've been keeping up with projects, and we're just about to start our plaster abstracts in a bit. I'm referencing a Grey Crowned Crane, but I suck at simplifying things down, I just know I'll give myself more trouble than what it's worth.
I reeeeally want to keep up this blog, even a few months of it would call in fanciful music and greek mythological figures to sing in chorus... ooo sounds fun.

- Panda


Oh no, that techno song is probably in your head again. No? Ok, but here's the deal. It's a blog, an ART BLOG. I don't like that word... blog... sounds like some gregarious monster who always tries to invite you over for tea but then you can't help but notice the axes and wood carving tools lined on his shelves. I promise I won't (or we won't) make this into anything we'll regret later on. This should be a record of sketches, projects, funny notes, quotes, ideas, stories and lotsa fun stuff, I mean lotsa, yeah lotsa!

- Panda