Monday, January 11, 2010

Cat with the Pearl Earring

Saw the freakiest cat notebook of Girl with the Pearl Earring that could've ever spawned from the P.I.S. (profound inner spirit) of Japan. Cats that were once just cute fuzzy animals are being morphed into freaky looking, overly accessorized tools of mass destruction (I almost... allllmost bought a sticker pack of sparkly kittens with teacups and flowers). Japan does these things to you, make it stop! I completely forgot the name of the thing.... must go on quest....

(minutes later)

I just spent 15 minutes searching for the dumb stationary of the semi-realistic cats in princess costumes... and it turns out to be... from KOREA??? wow, I take everything back... those Koreans are catching up in the weird factor for cute stationary so awesome!

I feel like such a creepy person, but I kinda like the notebooks, too bad they break the bank (40 bucks at Kinokuniya!!) I did a conversion of the original korean price for the book (won to usd) and it turns out that they really sell it for approximately 7 dollars, kinokuniya really is such a ripoff, it's almost unfathomable.

Yeah and refering to the picture...Okay now, obviously one of them is the legit book I'd like, but I dunno who'd buy that other one... uneasy feelings comence!

Now that I've gotten over this exciting moment of my life, here's a look at my Asian Literature class notebook with freaky sokoloff... speaking of freaky 'loff, here's a picture of him staring at a banana plastered to a yellow sheet on the chalk board.

and now, the notebook:

I didn't draw the comic, but I replaced the storyline of Osamu Tezuka's Adolf with the Kafka story of the Odradek and added small sketches on top of it.

- Panda

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