(minutes later)
I just spent 15 minutes searching for the dumb stationary of the semi-realistic cats in princess costumes... and it turns out to be... from KOREA??? wow, I take everything back... those Koreans are catching up in the weird factor for cute stationary so awesome! http://www.jetoy.co.kr/

I feel like such a creepy person, but I kinda like the notebooks, too bad they break the bank (40 bucks at Kinokuniya!!) I did a conversion of the original korean price for the book (won to usd) and it turns out that they really sell it for approximately 7 dollars, kinokuniya really is such a ripoff, it's almost unfathomable.
Yeah and refering to the picture...Okay now, obviously one of them is the legit book I'd like, but I dunno who'd buy that other one... uneasy feelings comence!
Now that I've gotten over this exciting moment of my life, here's a look at my Asian Literature class notebook with freaky sokoloff... speaking of freaky 'loff, here's a picture of him staring at a banana plastered to a yellow sheet on the chalk board.
and now, the notebook:

I didn't draw the comic, but I replaced the storyline of Osamu Tezuka's Adolf with the Kafka story of the Odradek and added small sketches on top of it.
- Panda
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