Saturday, January 23, 2010

[Some Witty Title Goes Here]

FINALLY!!! After half a year, my sculpture is in the showcase.... BEHOLD: "организм и дружок" (read as: organeezm ee drudjhok, meaning: bodily systems and his little friend)

So.... now it can collect a thick layer of dust behind the dirty glass with the broken bottom lock.. Who know what could happen to it there. It might need to defend its post from the invasions of The Evil Flog Creeps or the Scary Georgia O'keefe "Flower"-looking Sculptures next door... well, needless to say, it'll have many adventures and jump many hurdles to survive its stay behind the looking glass (minus looking)...

The mind numbing forces of the imagination have been poking at my measly brain matter and have suggested that I explore the ideas of this piece in some sort of series in different mediums.. perhaps a marble sculpture... perhaps not...

Maybe something nice of it... We'll see...



  1. Is that a stubby foot hand??
    Kinda creeps me out :o

    I doubt anyone could get away with stealing your sculpture, it's sorta obvious.


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