Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lament of the Sculptor


Time to break into the MONTEROUS BLOOOOOOOGGG......
The stupid scultpure is turning into more trouble than its worth.. as every other piece I've ever attempted, it never looks half as awesome as the original drawing... Maybe this one will turn around and become something decent in a different way... If nothing else, at least I'll be buff enough to challenge any huge scary dude in a tight sleeves-ripped-off lumberjack shirt in a bar to an arm wrestling match with all the sawing I've been doing... Although the woodshop-lung doesn't seem worth it. Oh well, as some sexy naked lesbian with an eyepatch once said (in Y The Last Man): "A pink lung is a wasted lung."

So here's the super cool drawing.... may it rest in peace as I butcher the wooden version

aww man....if only it can be cannonized in marble.... lucky romans....

-Margar-Possum (aka le poo)

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